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School Fund
The School Fund is a voluntary contribution of £15 that we invite on an annual basis. It is used to support specific projects in school which in the past has included:
additional seating outside
materials to enhance the learning environment
a contribution towards the mini-bus that has enabled us to support additional activities outside of school
If you are able, we would warmly welcome this contribution - some of which, in future, we would like to be able to delegate to our Pupil Leadership Team so that they can play a more active role in shaping their learning environment.
The Westgate PSA has kindly agreed to collect donations on our behalf. This will give you the choice to gift aid your contribution.
Please click here to donate through the PSA.
Alternatively, you can pay direct to the school via our online payment system or by forwarding a cheque to the school office (made payable to HCC The Westgate School).
Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs. Fae-Anna Dean