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Welcome back to School
September 2020
Welcome back to all our Westgate community and a particular welcome to all of our new families.
During this unusual time we have had to change our fundraising plans for the past term and the current Autumn Term. However, we have still managed to raise £800 from our School Lottery and over £1,500 from second hand uniform sales and Lower School class photo projects, which took place over the summer.
A huge thank you to all parents who supported us with these ventures.
In 2018-2019 we raised an incredible £53,000 and want to try to raise as much as we can this year despite COVID-19 restrictions. We will just have to re-think how we fundraise!
The money we raise goes towards funding projects in school, which extend and enrich pupil experiences in the whole school. Recent purchases have included:
our beautiful Tepees, which you can see in our Lower School playgrounds
fruit for pupils
a new kiln
a class set of iPads
good quality football goals to use on the astro courts
This year the PSA have a focus on improving opportunities for pupils to learn and develop in our school grounds. We are targeting the money we raise to support the school in outdoor projects such as installing a new all weather astro turf pitch in the KS2 playground.
Our PSA have some exciting ideas for possible virtual fundraising for this term including:
virtual quiz night
family sponsored event
virtual craft evenings
online raffle
We would really love to have some fresh ideas and are sure we have many innovative thinkers amongst our families who might have some excellent ideas for fundraising in this time. Please get in touch if you have any other ideas either via your Class Reps or email
Another way to support us is to come along to our ‘virtual’ PSA meeting via Microsoft TEAMs, which we are planning to hold within the next two weeks – more details to follow.
Things you can do to support us now:
Look at our PSA website
Follow us on
Support us and have a chance to win by joining our school lottery at
Make sure you know who your Class Reps are and join your class WhatsApp group if you feel happy to do so.
Thank you everyone for your continued support!
Best wishes,
Ros Priddle (Co-Chair of PSA)